Our Mission

Our mission is to bring laughter into kids' lives and put smiles on their faces.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

See you next week !

We wanted to spend a longer time at the animal farm but unfortunately, it started to drizzle.
We had no choice but to leave without feeding all the animals. As all the children want to come back again, I made a pact with Leo. If he gets a band one in Science for CA1 next year, I will bring everyone back to the farm. We shook hands and it was a deal.. See you next week !

It likes me !

Everyone loves this white and black rabbit.
Leo insists that this rabbit can recgonize him as he has been here before.
Linus loves it as it responds eagerly whenever the children go near it.
The rest of the rabbits were lying down while eating but this one stands on its hind legs like a little dog ! So cute indeed...
Can I bring it home, please ?

Feeding the animals

No outing to an animal farm is complete without feeding the animals.
Ever wondered why children loves feeding animals than feeding themselves ?
Yes, the rabbits and hamsters are so cute and adorable, no one is tempted by the sweets and biscuits on display, they only focused on the animal feed ! Each of them bought rabbit food as they are the most adorable among the lot !
Drinks anyone ? Obviously not..

Outdoor Classroom @Animal Resort

Yes, this is the outing that everyone has been looking forward to !
After two days of learning about animals and plants' life cycles, it is time now to go outdoors and see "the real stuff" for themselves ! Here, Linus, Marcus and Leo are drawing life cycles of all the animals they can see at  Animal Resort.
The Outdoor Classroom concept aims to reinforce what they have learnt !

How do you measure mass and volume ?

Measuring mass seems straight forward. You just put the object on a weighing scale and you have it ! How about measuring volume ? First, you put an amount of water into a measuring cylinder. Next, you put in the object which you want to measure. The increase in water level is the volume of the object. As both solids and liquids cannot be compressed, the water displaced by the object is the volume !

What is matter ?

Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.

What is mass ? Mass is a measure of the amount of substance an object has.
What is weight ? Weight is a measure of the force pulling an object downwards.
What is volume ? Volume is a measure of the amount of space an object occupies.

Time for rest and recreation

After a whole day of seeds, seedlings and plants, its time for the buys to relax and have some fun before heading home. Today, we managed to book the table tennis room. The boys took turns to play table tennis and badminton orderly. No one tried to hog their favourite game ! I think they have got used to the idea that they are a team now and no one gets left out !

Germination of a seed II

Linus is showing off his seeds which he can't wait for them to germinate. First, the roots will grow so that the young seedling can get water from the soil. Next, the shoot will grow from the seed. As the young seedling is not able to make food yet, it gets its food from the seed leaves. As the seedling grows bigger and starts to make food on its own, the seed leaves will shrivel and drop off. Isn't nature clever ?

How does a seed germinate ?

Here, the children are learning how to germinate a seed. Each of them picked 4 seeds of their favourite flowers and pushed them into a pot of soil, about 2cm below the surface of the soil. After that, they cover up the seeds and add a little water to the soil. For a seed to germinate, it needs water, warmth and air. Does it need sunlight ? No, it does not as the seed cannot make food at this stage yet.

Life cycle of a plant

Today, the children learnt that there are also female and male parts of a flower. As flowers cannot move, how do they get fertilized ? They need the help of bees ! The bees will fly from one flower to another, moving pollen from the male part (stamen) of one flower to the female part (pistil) of another flower. The flowers get fertilized and bears fruits ! This is why bees are so important ! Remember the Bee Movie ?

Life Cycle of a frog

The children are watching a video clip on the life cycle of a frog. Frogs do not fertilize their eggs internally like chicken. They fertilize them externally. First, the female frog will lay her eggs in a corner of the pond, among the stones. The male frog will find them and fertlize all the eggs together. The eggs are protected by a layer of jelly like substance and left on their own ! Hopefully, some of them survive...

Life Cycle of a Chicken II

Egg -> Chick -> Adult Chicken and the cycle repeats itself..
Egg -> Chick -> Adult Chicken -> Roast Chicken ???

What will happen to the chicken ?
If we eat all the chicken in the world, the life cycle of the chicken will be broken and the chicken will become extinct !

Life Cycle of a Chicken

Leo, Linus and Marcus are watching a video clip on the "Life cycle of a chicken".

Ever wondered why we have never cracked an egg and find a chick inside ? The farmers do not want to give you the shock of your life. They keep the roosters away from the hens so that the eggs laid are not fertilized. Therefore, there is no embryo growing in the eggs which you buy from the market.

How does a chick breathe ?

Ever wondered how does a chick breathe in the egg ?

A chick can breathe in an egg because the egg shell is porous. This means that exchanges of gases can take place through the egg shell.
There is also a tiny air pocket inside the egg to provide oxygen to the chick.
The children are shaking the egg to feel the air pocket inside.

P4 Headstart Science Camp Dec 2010

Today is the first day of our P4 Headstart Science Camp. Boys love science and everyone has been looking forward to this. The topic today is "Cycles".
What are cycles ? Cycles are series of events which repeat themselves over and over again. Examples are the Day-Night and Spring-Summer-Autumn-Winter seasonal cycles.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

All good things come to an end

In the blink of an eye, we have come to the end of our P4 Headstart Math Camp.
Here are the boys smiling from ear to ear, showing off their "loot".
I think they looked as if Christmas has been brought forward !

Yes, this is the true spirit of ClubNAKO, where only fun matters...

Outdoor Classroom @Fairprice

The boys were extremely focused on their mission. They will be able to bring home everything they would like to buy if they get all the sums correct. There will be no chance given. They took it very seriously and you could see the agonising looks on their faces at the cashier. When the total amount flashed before their eyes and they got it right, the smiles on their faces were worth a million dollars !

Outdoor Classroom @Fairprice Finest

As usual, our camps always end with an Outdoor Classroom session.
This time, the children were given a challenge to apply what they have learnt in a real life situation. If a sum of money is to be shared between 3 children, there will be $2 left. If shared between 4 children, there will be $1 short. What is the sum of money ? The boys worked together and got it right !

Leo the Teacher

Leo was very excited to teach Marcus how to do a 2-digit division. He was so full of confidence and immediately wrote "Leo Cheong - Teacher" on the white board.
Beaming from ear to ear, he carefully went through the steps of how to do a 2-digit division and Marcus understood at once !
That's a really good teacher !

Highest Common Factor : HCF

Today, the boys learnt factors, which is a totally new concept to them.
They both picked it up right away and were also more comfortable with the division ladder today. Linus finally joined us today, after a bolt of mysterious fever which disappeared as quickly as it came. He is picking up the More Than and Less Than Models, an essential basic concept even for P1 !

The great outdoors !

After a whole day of divisor, quotient, remainder, divisibility and LCM, the boys had a well deserved game of badminton before Leo heads  home. Both boys loved the game and they are actually quite good at it !
Leo wanted to play table tennis too but unfortunately, we had no green light from his mother...
Still, they had a great time outdoors and that is really important for children.

Its private...

What are they looking at ?
With internet access easily available these days, the boys are exposed to anything imaginable under the sun. They are a generation of internet savvy kids !
Even Linus is able to switch on the computer, log on and serve the internet on his own without any help at all !
Its a whole new world...

Lowest Common Multiple : LCM

What is the lower common multiple of 3, 8 and 7 ?
Do we have any common multiple yet ?
We need to find the lowest common multiple.
Are we there yet ?

This is going to take forever.
Is there an easier method than this ?
Yes, use the division ladder !


Quick rules to remember:

A number is divisible by 2 if the last digit is an even number.
It is divisible by 3 if the sum of all digits is divisible by 3.
It is divisible by 4 if the last 2 digits make an even number.
It is divisible by 5 if the last digit is 0 or 5.
It is divisible by 6 if it is divisible by 2 and 3.

What is rounding off ?

Today, the boys learnt a new concept of rounding off.
Numbers can be round off to the nearest 10, 100  or 1000 so that they can do mental calculations to check on their final answers.
Careless mistakes of addition instead of subtraction were immediately spoted when compared to the quick estimations.
Useful, isn't it ? Yes, we rock !

Numbers to 100 000

In P3, the boys have learnt numbers up to 10 000. Next year, they will be learning numbers up to 100 000. Yes, its only one more zero, no big deal, isn't it ? Everything else remains the same.

Concepts of places and values were reinforced and yes, that sounds familiar indeed, let's discuss, shall we ?

Metal Fight Beyblades !

Noticed the ignored football and snooker games which the boys once loved ?
They are now forgotten and left aside, at least for the moment..
Yes, the craze this time round is metal fight beyblades of course ! Both Marcus and Leo bought the rare designs from Japan and they have not forgotten their brothers too ! Sweet, isn't it ?

P4 Headstart Holiday Math Camp

Today is the start of our P4 Headstart Holiday Camp. After a long November holiday break during which some of the lucky boys went to Japan with their teachers for a holiday, it is now time to start a light regime of learning in preparation for P4 next year. Besides Leo and Marcus, Linus is also joining in the camp in preparation for P1 in Catholic High next year !

Monday, October 4, 2010

Freedom !

Yes, we have come to the end of our Math session today. Leo, Marcus and Linus were having a whale of a time playing in the pool. The smiles on the children's faces were simply priceless ! At ClubNAKO, we work hard and play hard too.. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and we will not have that, ... where only fun matters.

Its Children's Day !

Yes, today is children's day.
We have decided to give the children a special treat today.
Yes, we are going swimming in the pool, armed with water shooting claws !
Both Leo and Linus have redeemed shooting claws which they were looking forward to playing in the pool.
The children truly deserve a good break. For now, yes, ...where only fun matters.

Math - Mass

After teabreak, Leo joined Marcus to do the worksheets for Mass.
Mass is not a difficult topic as long as they get their kilograms and grams conversion done correctly. The rest of the story sums are all repeated from the More Than and Less Than Comparison Models that they have already learnt. From now on, it is only a matter of practise, practise, practise !


Leo was having a bowl of fishball noodle while Marcus was having his favourite chwee kueh.
Linus ditched his favourite chee cheong fun and had some noodles from Leo's bowl instead. The noodles were so delicious that in the end, all of them were fighting over it. This is simply the law of supply and demand. I am sure nobody will want them if we had bought 3 bowls of noodles !

Teabreak Time !

After an intensive morning of Math, the boys were given a break and had a game of snooker to relax their minds ! This is really important so that they do not get stressed out with too much work. The boys know by now that if they work hard, they will get time to play too ! Hence, they wasted no time mucking around during lesson time and focused on their worksheets. Great, isn't it ?

Math - Division and Mass

Today, we have Leo, Marcus and Linus with us doing Math.
Leo was concentrating more on Division, getting his quotients and remainders right.
Next year, the P4 children will learn the divisor as well, hence it is really important to get the basics right. Leo was also able to understand the concept of division and remainders from story sums and apply it correctly. Way to go, Leo !

Good bye and see you again !

And that marks the end of our session on Our Body Systems today. The boys are now able to rattle off the parts of our digestive system easily by looking at their own body. The digestive system starts from the mouth,  teeth, tongue, gullet,  stomach, small intestines, big intestines, rectum and anus ! Easy Peasy ! And no, you did not come out from your mummy's anus. We'll do the Productive System another time, ok ?

What is a ball and socket joint ?

Some of our bones are joined together with ball and socket joints so that we can rotate our arms and swing our legs. The boys were putting together a skeletal system using only ball and socket joints. They were able to feel and see how these type of joints can help us rotate our arms. Having done this, they will never forget what is a ball and socket joint. Great way to learn science !

Seeing is believing !

Yes, seeing is indeed believing.
With teaching aids, the boys were able to use their sense of sight and touch to appreciate our body systems as it unfolds layer by layer in front of their  eyes. It is pretty obvious now how the skeletal system protects the organs, how food passes from one part of the digestive system to another, what the circulatory system does, how the lungs really look like in 3-dimentional form and no, those were not boobs..

Can each system only perform one function ?

No ! This is not true ! The Skeletal System can perform 3 functions.

It supports the body and gives it shape.
It helps protect the organs.
It works together with the Muscular System to help the body move.
See ? Three functions, the answer is False !
Way to go, Leo !

Let's discuss !

After the lesson on Our Body Systems, the boys sat together to answer the questions in their worksheets designed to test their process skills. Yes, the windpipe leads to the lungs and the gullet leads to the stomach. This is why we sometimes chok on our food when it gets stuck in the windpipe. We have to get it out so that it does not block the air going into our lungs. How do we get it out ? Turn ourselves upside down ?

Leo and Marcus

Joining us today are Leo and Marcus.
After a quick shower to freshen up, both boys sat down to a delicious meal of oven roasted chicken wings on rice. The boys were really hungry as they spent most of their morning enjoying the children's day celebration in school. Food was not on top of their priority then. Leo was so hungry that he asked for second servings !

Our Body Systems

Today, we are looking at our body systems.
Our body consists of 5 main systems.
They are the Circulatory System, the Respiratory System, the Skeletal System, the Muscular System and the Digestive System. Each system is made up of several parts and serves specific purposes. Our body systems help us to grow, move around and repair the damaged parts of our body.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Time flies and aeroplanes too !

Yes, time flies ! Very soon, we have come to the end of our half-day Math camp on "Money" on 18th Sep.
Everyone obviously knows their dollars and cents well. The boys have enjoyed the camp and we hope to see them again soon. There is no better way to learn and enjoy it so much that you would like to come back again !
Bye, Royce and Max, see you next time !

Marcus' favourite task

Marcus' favourite task is to give out the rewards from the redemption basket to the boys.
Max chosed a pack of cards and Royce picked out an aeroplane, which is a really good choice.
These aeroplanes are pretty sturdy and they can fly over a decently long distance ! Hope Royce shares it with his brother..
Look at those smiles... where only fun matters.


Everyone was very focused on their work today. Great hair cut too !
They all had something in the redemption basket which they were eyeing for.
They have also picked up on speed and accuracy, which is really great !
To be fast and accurate is very difficult to train and these boys were doing really well.
Got to up the stakes next time !

Who was stealing the cheese ?

Money is a topic which the boys have to differentiate "Value" and "Number". For example, what is the value of 2 five-dollar notes ? The worksheets trained them to think in terms of different combination of money with the same value. The section on "Equal Concept-Internal Transfer" is a revision which they have learnt during the Math & Science Camp. Figured out who stole the cheese ?

To Arthur !

Yes, the world famous "To Arthur !" got stuck on them.
Got to get a carafe for them to do this all the time..
The boys were off to a great start on this beautiful Saturday morning.
Linus has been looking forward to Royce and Max coming in and he promised to do his work conscientiously, which he did ! Talk about good influence.. this is what is it all about.

Math Camp on "Money"

Today, we have Max and Royce come in for a half-day Math Camp on "Money".
Look who is there ?
Wedged between his new found friends is Linus, who is also doing a ClubNAKO P1 Math Worksheet on "Numbers to 10".
All the boys received new YYC cards today and were feeling pretty confident to get a redemption !

Time flies and aeroplanes too..

Very soon, we have come to the end of our afternoon with Leo.
It took only an afternoon for them to fill one YYC card, when previously they struggled for 2 days.
The boys have definitely picked up speed and accuracy as well. They were showing off their aeroplanes which they have redeemed today. Thank you for joining ClubNAKO's Math Camp. Bye Leo, we hope to see you again !

Leo's model ruler

Look what is on the table in front ot Leo ?
Yes ! His model ruler !!
Leo has refused to use his model ruler during the Math & Science camp. He likes to draw them freehand which resulted in unclear labelling and mistakes. Now that he is finally persuaded to use his model ruler, his models are now looking great and yes, no more careless mistakes !


After working from 2.45pm to 4pm, the boys went for their well deserved fun break.
This time, the favourite game of the day turned out to be "Spidey".
They had the whale of a time  flinging spidey all over the room to see if it sticks.
Yes, it finally stuck, on the ceiling ! Help !!
Throwing pillows didn't work so well and finally, it was mummy to the rescue..

Today's Topic : Time

Both Leo and Marcus were able to read the clock pretty well. They have learnt that you cannot add and subtract time directly.
You have to convert minutes to hours if they are more than 60mins.
You have to borrow 60mins from hours if you want to subtract correctly.
After a while, both got the hang of it and breezed through !

An afternoon with Leo

Leo came in today in the afternoon directly from school.
After a quick shower to freshen up, both Leo and Marcus were starving !
They enjoyed the fried rice together and had endless topics to talk about..
Lunch was finished by 2.30pm ! Boy, they must be really hungry..

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Time flies

Yes, time flies..
Before we know it, we have come to the end of ClubNAKO's 3-Day Math and Science Camp.
It has been a great 3 days of fun and learning. I hope the boys have learnt well and will remember these happy days of their lives. Thank you for participating in ClubNAKO's holiday programmes and we hope to see you again !


As everyone has worked so hard and completed their "Multiplication" worksheet, they get to pick out a dessert of their choice from the freezer. Everyone picked ice-cream of course! Leo had a strawberry yogurt ice-cream, Max had a fruit ice, Marcus and Royce both had Magnums.
They were enjoying their dessert before lessons start again..


Today's lunch was fried rice and everyone was looking forward to it since Max found the menu and announced it two days ago. Rice was fried with prawns, ham, eggs, garlic and onions. Simple but delicious ! Leo was popping into the kitchen every 2 minutes to check out the status as I said they could eat as soon as it was ready, regardless of whether they have completed their worksheet !

Leo and his models

Today, we brought the white board out to give everyone a revision on repeating models before we start working on the worksheets. Repeating models for multiplication are not quite the same as the simple models we learnt yesterday. After the lesson, the boys were teaching one another among themselves as they really want to have the reward they were eyeing on ! It was very heart-warming..


Teabreak was honey baked ham and cheese sandwhiches and the ever popular Ritz biscuits topped with ham and cheese. However, the ham was piling up on one sandwhich as Leo was stealing all the Ritz Biscuits out from the toppings ! He must love Ritz biscuits..
And of course not forgetting, "To Arthur " ! Why not to me ? Afterall, I made the sandwiches..


After the BBC documentary on "Plants", we started on "Multiplication" today.
As today is the last day of the camp, everyone was determined to claim another reward.
Hence, "Multiplication" was completed as well.
Everyone got better at their models, which showed that they have learnt well from yesterday's drill on models ! Its really not that difficult once you get the hang of it.

Day 3 of ClubNAKO's 3-Day Math & Science Camp

Day 3 started with the BBC Documentary "Plants".
This is complementary to the Learning Journey at the Botanical Gardens and the children had a chance to answer their worksheets with the information they have learnt from the programme.
Royce, Max, Marcus and Leo were holding on to their worksheets and listening intensively !

End of Day 2 of ClubNAKO 3-Day Math & Science Camp

That marks the end of day 2 with a Learning Journey to the Botanical Gardens.
Here, Max, Royce, Leo and Marcus learnt about "Plant System".
They learnt to name the various parts and functions of a leaf, how plants with red coloured leaves are also able to make food, what are variegated leaves and how they can make food etc..


Why do flowers grow in clusters ?
Flowers grow in clusters because they are very small. They need to attract pollinators like bees and butterflies to pollinate them. Therefore, they grow in clusters so that they can be seen.
They are also brightly coloured so that they pollinators will be attracted to them.

Those are roots ?

Yes, those are roots !

Some roots are above the ground.
They do not stay only underground as we expected.
In swarms, roots under the water peak out to get some air.

Carrots, turnips and sweet potatoes are also underground storage roots.

Network or Parallel Leaf ?

Do you know how a network leaf and a parallel leaf look like ?

Leo is looking at a parallel leaf, whereby the veins of the leaf run parallel to the leaf stalk.
For a network leaf, the veins run away from the leaf stalk, as with most commonly seen leaves.
What are simply leaves and compound leaves ?
The answer is also here !

Plant System at Botanical Garden

Finally, its time to head to the Botanical Garden for an outdoor lesson on "Plant System".
Armed with sausage buns, the boys packed their bags and rewards quickly.
We brought the worksheets along as the answers to the worksheet can be found on site.
Sometimes, teaching need not be in an indoor classrom.
An outdoor class room can do a better job !

The redemption basket !

Guess what they were doing ?
Finally, this is the moment everyone has been waiting for.
Yes, everyone has completed their YYC Card and they were queuing up to pick their reward out of the redemption basket. Max and Royce picked Digimon cards and Leo picked a miniature scooter.
They have finally completed "Models" today !

To Arthur !

Yes, to Arthur !
Who is Arthur ?
Royce said he invented Guiness.
Amazing, the power of advertisement..
The boys got into the habit of cheering "To Arthur !" after every meal.
They were really very funny, look at those smiles on their faces..

Lunch Time

Lunch time was homemade Chicken Soup with Japanese Udon. Max has a very good sense of smell. He could smell the soup brewing in the kitchen before it was ready and he was really looking forward to it ! The chicken was slowly boiled with celery, carrot, onion, bacon, scallops, mushrooms and rosemary..

Simply heavenly !

All time favourite

The table football game is the all time favourite game of the camp.
Leo would scoot out immediately after teabreak or lunch to play it on his own before lessons start.

The other boys love it too, at least until Leo started stuffing the football into his..
Nobody wants to touch the football after that !


The ClubNAKO YYC card serves to motivate the children to do their best.
They will eventually realize that speed is not everything and their effort does down the drain if the worksheets are done quickly but incorrectly. Max and Royce were pretty competitive with each other. They were trying to see who can get his reward today. Leo is very focused, he has his eye on the scooter !

Models !

Most of the boys have forgotten how to draw their models.
Models are really important because they help you to solve more complex problems which cannot be easily visualized mentally. The "More than" and "Less than" models may seem unneccessary but when it comes to equal concept and internal transfers, models come in really handy !

Day 2 of ClubNAKO Math & Science Camp

We started day 2 with a continuation of the BBC documentary "Mammals".
Today, we will be doing "Plant System" at the Botanical Gardens.
Leo was very excited about the trip. He asked me 3 times when we are leaving for the Botanical Gardens. Before that, we have to complete our models !

End of a great day !

Last but not least, the boys classified a bucket of animals which belonged to Linus according to mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, insects and crustaceans.

And that brings us to the end of day one of ClubNAKO's 3-Day Math & Science Camp.
Max, Royce, Leo amd Marcus have all worked truly hard today !

Feeling right at home..

The BBC Life series is an excellent documentary program on plants and animals.
Having completed the worksheet on "Diversity of Animals", it is now time to sit down and enjoy a documentary on "Mammals". The boys realized that Whales and Dolphins are mammals too !
Perhaps we could watch the entire documentary series sometime..

Science and Teabreak

By late afternoon, everyone had enough of math for the day and we switched to Science.
We were doing "Diversity of Animals" and having tea break at the same time.

Teabreak was an assortment of Ritz biscuits with ham and cheese toppings.
Max said the ham looked disgusting but tasted delicious !


Leo was working hard again after lunch.
He was eating apples at the same time, great multi-tasking !
Leo is a playful boy but he is very quick at his work.
He can grasp concepts immediately and was drawing great models in no time.

Way to go, Leo !

Lunch Time

Lunch was spaghetti with beef bolognaise.
Everybody loved it except Max.
Max said tomatoes are his lifelong enemies.
To my surprise, he finished it all !
That is something considering he hates tomatoes..

Leo was all smiles as he loves beef and spaghetti !


Royce is a very quick learner. He said he hates models in the beginning of the camp but at the end of it, he was producing such great models ! He is very accurate and careful in his work. He just needs to pick up some speed, but he is a very smart boy !

As with everyone, its all about practise..
Slow and steady wins the race !

Fun Break

Having the addition and subtraction worksheets, the boys went for their well-deserved fun break.
Max was challenging Marcus to a game of chess. Guess who won ?
Leo was playing table football with Royce.

It turned out that table football became Leo's favourite game for the rest of the camp.
He could even play it all by himself !


This is Max working very hard. He is the most conscientious of the lot and he is also very fast in math !
He has no problem with Numbers to 10 000, Addition and Subtraction.
Very soon, he became the envy of the lot when his YYC card is filling up fast !
He was setting the pace for the whole group.


Very soon, it was time for tea break.
Everyone had home made freshly baked garlic & parsley bread.
The spread is made from garlic, parsley and butter.
It turned out a lovely green after mixing and the children loved it !

They were all gone in no time..

Settling down..

After an orientation, the boys were settling down to start on their worksheets.
We started with a simple game of "Where to place my digits" and "Writing cheques".
Some of the boys have forgotten about the basics and we went through them again together !
"Let's count together" drove everyone crazy ! With numbers to 10 000, everyone started collecting stickers.. whew !

The Redemption basket

Marcus is showing everyone the redemption basket, from which they can pick a reward of their choice once their YYC card is completely filled up. Everyone can paste a sticker on their YYC card for every page of their worksheets done correctly.
Its not only about speed, you have to do it corectly !
What does YYC stand for ?

ClubNAKO 3-Day Math & Science Camp

Welcome to ClubNAKO's 3-Day Math & Science Camp !
As the year end examination is coming soon, the objective of this 3-Day Math & Science Camp is to provide a revision of Math & Science topics taught in school during the first semester.
Joining us today are Leo, Max, Royce and Marcus.

Monday, September 6, 2010

All good things come to an end

And that marks the end of our Learning Journey to the IBN Open House.
I'm  sure the boys will remember the broken bones of the pig and rats which the scientist were trying to experiment growing them back, the tissue scaffolding which looks just like spinning a spider web and the drug delivery pin ball machine ! Thank you for joining our Learning Journey today and we hope to see you again !

Do I want to be a scientist ?

So, hands up anyone who wants to be a scientist ?
No hands ?
The tour guide who brought us around was really good.
He was very patient with the boys who need the toilet at the most inappropriate time.
Opps ! we forgot something again.. sorry..
No, he does not need to go now..

Inspired ?

The boys were visibly tired after almost 3 hours of lab tours.
We saw how tissues were built like a construction scaffolding, how artifical bones are grown to join broken bones back together, how drugs target diseased cells and organs demonstrated by a pin ball machine, whcih turned out to be the favourite, of course !
Were the boys inspired ? Who wants to be a scientist ?

Sorry, no photos allowed !

Due to confidentiality of the scientists' research, no photographs were allowed inside the labs.

We first stopped at Biosensors and Biodevices where we were shown how rapid disease diagnosis can be done at the flick of a switch. In this lab,  microfabricated platforms are used for high through-put biomarkers, drug screening and automated biologics synthesis.

Representing Catholic High

There were many primary schools here today with the auditorium almost filled to the brim.
They all came in big groups from ACS, St. Margaret's, Ru Lang, Bedok North etc..
Representing Catholic High were Max, Marcus and Joshua. They felt slightly intimidated by the large turnout of the other schools and were quite relief to find that that we will form a small group with a handful of other students.

Presentation and Lab Tours

Through presentation and exciting lab tours, students will be able to discover IBN's interdisciplinary research, which integrates science,  engineering and medicine to develop practical solutions for the delivery of drugs and genes, cell and tissue engineering, pharmaceuticals synthesis and green chemistry, as well as  bio-sensing and bio-devices ! After a brief presentation, we were divided into small groups and taken through the various labs.

Hurry up !

Joshua is having nuggets, Marcus is having his usual fish fillet and Max is having Mcwings.
Max said he can eat eight at a go ! Spicy, aren't they ?
As the tour starts at 2.30pm at Biopolis, they were trying to eat as fast as they can so that we can reach there in time.
These three kids were at the envy of many others today  as many kids came by to ask them where they are going today..

Learning Journey to the Institute of Bioengineering & Nanotechnology

Joining us today to the Open House at the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology are Joshua, Marcus and Max.

The IBN open house aims to introduce young Singaporeans at the Primary level to scientific research, specifically at the interface of bioengineering and nanotechnology.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Royce and Linus

Linus: What is this ? Where is your NEWater bottle ?

Royce: Oh, my maid accidentally threw it away, luckily, I still have the strap..

Linus: I see, you are really lucky. Want to go again ?

Royce and Linus

See what I mean between Royce and Linus ?

Royce is such a sweet boy.
He has been taking care of Linus all night.
That includes tieing his shoe laces, checking out this transit link card, answering his never ending questions..

Really sweet..

Friday Kids Night Out @SAM

And that concludes our Friday Kids Night Out at the Singapore Art Museum.
I hope everyone had a good time and we hope to see you again.

We will come back to SAM again to visit the other galleries.
As for tonight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite !

Max loves puzzles too !

Max is working on another puzzle.
They were racing each other to see who can complete the puzzle first.

Its two against one, so no prize in guessing who won ! Who won ?
Unfortunately, it was getting late and lights were being switched off around us, got to go !

Puzzles !

After our thoughts provocative visit to The Learning Gallery, we thanked our musuem guide and went on to the hands on exhibits.

Royce and Marcus were doing an art puzzle together.
Children love to work on puzzles !
Did they get it ?

Royce and Linus

If you had noticed, Linus has been around Royce all night.
These two have really taken an affinity to each other. Perhaps Royce finds him cute, especially with so many questions !

The Learning Gallery has indeed encouraged lively discussions and develop creative thinking among our children. We look forward to the new exihibits !

Questions !

Linus wants to know how the woman in the picture can be young and old at the same time.
Valid question..

Why is there a cake ? Is she celebrating her "young" birthday or "old" birthday ?
How can they exist at the same time ?

Yes, this is art !

The cycle of life

This is an artwork showing a young woman on the left and the same woman on the right who has grown old. It attempts to show us the cycle of life, from young to old and begins again.

Surprisingly, this painting triggered a lot of questions  from the children.
They may be too young to understand the cycle of life yet, but they are thinking...

The Banana

What does the banana remind you of ?
Yes, a smile ! The clowns on top of the banana are trying to remind you to smile.
You do not need gold and silver in order to smile. A simple object such as a banana is a reminder that it is the simple things that make us smile..

What does a papaya remind you of ?

Our Museum Guide

Our museum  guide is really good.

You can tell that she is really passionate about art and very eager to share it with the children.
She explained each artwork to us very patiently and answered all the children's questions professionally.
She did not dismiss any question, however cheeky or mischievous !

Benjamin looking at the Hybrid

Benjamin was still looking at the hybrid.
What was he thinking of ?

There are many hybrids around us in  everyday lives.
Recently, a "Liger" was born.
It is a hybrid between a tiger and a lion.
Is this right ? Very provocative !

The Hybrid

The next exhibit explained to the children is "The Hybrid".

"The hybrid" is a human body with a rabbit's head. This artwork provokes the children to ask many questions.
How can this be ? Why not ?
Many orchids which we are familiar with are also hybrids !


Listening to the museum guide, Royce seems to be in deep thoughts.
What is he thinking of ?

It turned out that "The Bird Cage" is everyone's favourite exhibit.
Perhaps this is because the children can identify with the family unit and the house we live in which is represented by the bird cage.

A family in a bird cage

This exhibit shows a family made from paper shreds caged in a bird cage. It encouraged the children to think if we are also living in a bird cage ourselves.

Do we know what is happening outside our bird cage in the world ? Are we so pre-occupied with things inside our homes that we have neglected what is happening outside ?

Listening attentively

This is a very good group of students from Catholic High.
You can see that they are listening attentively to the museum guide and thinking about what she was saying to them. No one's feeling bored or try to fool around.
I am really proud of everyone of them.
I think they were inspired...

Everyday objects

The current show is on "Everyday Objects".
It provokes the children to take a second look at the familiar things around them.

Through the eyes of artists from Singapore and Southeast Asia, everyday things we know and sometimes take for granted are portrayed in a different light, making us think twice about their function and their relation to other objects. The children were asked about their personal opinions of the artworks. While  explaining how everyday objects can be turned into art, the children were encouraged to look at them from a diferent pespective.

The Learning Gallery @SAM

This is the first time Bai Qi, Royce, Max & Benjamin are visiting the Singapore Art Museum. We started with The Learning Gallery as it is dedicated to presenting artworks from SAM's collection for the young visitor. Besides nurturing an appreciation for art, the works are  specially selected to encourage lively discussions and develop creative thinking among the children.

Exchanging phone numbers

Bai Qi appears to be the most popular boy in class as he has so many of his friends' telephone numbers. Marcus is trying to key them in as fast as he can, before we reach the Singapore Art Museum. The others are looking on with amazement.

Come on, hurry up !We are going to be there really soon. Nobody asked "Are we there yet ?"

Best friends already ?

Linus is joining out trip for the first time.
He has been looking forward to it as he is also going to Catholic High next year and he can't wait to mix with his brother's friends.

Linus became friends immediately with Max and Royce.
At the end of the trip, he claimed that Royce is now his "new" best friend !

On the way to SAM

Max and Royce checking out Marcus' new handphone on the way to the Singapore Art Museum.
Kids are very tech-savvy these days.
They figured out how to send each other applications, pictures, videos and games all by themselves. They do not need any operating manuals or adults intervention. The world is indeed different now..

Friday Kids Night Out

Joining us today on our Friday Kids' Night Out to the Singapore Art Museum are Bai Qi, Benjamin, Royce, Max, Marcus and Linus. We are taking the train from Marymount Station to Bras Basah station.

Bai Qi is reading "The Last Airbender" on the train. This is the "in thing" right now with kids, especially after the movie came out.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thank you and we hope to see you again !

And that marks the end of our Learning Journey with ClubNAKO to the NEWater Visitor Centre on 19th August 2010.
All the children had a taste of NEWater and each of them brought home a NEWater bottle with strap. Thank you for your participation and we look forward you having you with us again, sometime..

Smiling Faces !

Looking at these smiling faces, I know that all the children have enjoyed themselves today.

ClubNAKO has fulfilled its mission of bringing laughter into children's lives and putting smiles on their faces. Besides having an educational and enriching experience during our learning journeys, the journey will not be complete without children's laughter !

The NEWater Treatment Process

Firstly,  treated used water goes through a Microfiltration process. Here, microscopic particles including some bacteria are filtered out in this stage.
Secondly, the water goes through a Reverse Osmosis process. Undesirable contaminants are removed here. Lastly, the water passes through ultraviolet light to ensure that any remaining organism is eradicated.

Are they so attentive in school ?

Baiqi, Marcus, Royce and Max listening very attentively to the tour guide explaining how many water reservoirs we have in Singapore and how we should do out part to keep them clean.
With 17 reserviors already built, including two new ones at Serangoon and Punggol, all our major rivers have been dammed to create reservoirs. With the growing water demand, we have to grow our water resources too !

A trip down the Singapore River

Baiqi is steering the raft down the Singapore river with everyone on it.

Appreciating the value of water, we take care to keep raw water sources  - water that flows in drains, canals, rivers and reservoirs, clean. Enjoying its myriad of recreational activities, we have fun in water, by water and around water.

How hard would they try ?

How hard would they try to save two drops of water ?
This what the children were trying to do.
Guide the  two drops of water back into the sea.

Undertstanding its preciousness, we conserve water and use it wisely.
In this way, we can be assured of enough water for generations to come.

How much water do we use daily ?

The children engaging in an interactive game to judge how much water we use daily.
As they are now starting to learn volume in school, many of them are able to judge roughly how much is a litre of water and so on.

They were quite surprised to learn that we use so much water in our daily lives !

Importance of Water Conservation

The tour started with a show featuring the importance of water conservation  in Singapore.
Although we have a robust water supply system, we have to ensure that our supply can meet the future growth in demand.
As the heart of Singapore's water sustainability is how individuals and organisations use and care for our water. Here, the message sent to the children is that we are all  guardians of our water resources and we should use it wisely !

Here comes the tour guide !

Finally, here comes our tour guide !

As this was a Thursday afternoon, there were no other visitors there and we had the luxury of having the tour guide all to ourselves !

His name is Henry and he did a perfect job of showing us the exhibits and facilities, as well as patiently answering all the boys' questions.

Where does our water come from ?

Our water supply comes from a blend of these Four National Taps.

1st National Tap  : Water from local catchments
2nd National Tap : Imported water
3rd National Tap : NEWater
4th National Tap : Desalination
By balancing the water supply from each source, Singapore does not need to overly rely on any one source of water.

Where are we ?

Baiqi, Max, Royce and Leo looking at the 3-dimensional floor plan of the NEWATER Visitor Centre.
They were trying to figure out where we were and the tour route.

After some arguements amongst themselves, they pinpointed our exact location on the map !
And they were right..

Marcus and Leo

Marcus and Leo are best friends in school.
They have been looking forward to going to the NEWATER Visitor centre together and Marcus was very excited the whole morning.
Leo is such a sweet boy!
He listened attentively to the tour guide throughout the entire tour.
With him, there was no monkey business at all...

Royce and Max

Royce and Max are the Teo brothers and they are twins !
Thank goodness they wore different coloured shirts..
Had they been in the same class in school, the teachers are going to have a hard time telling them apart.
This is why they never put twins in the same class, smart move !

NEWATER Visitor Centre

Joining us today on our Learning Journey to the NEWATER Visitor centre are Royce, Max, Baiqi, Leo and Marcus. There was a slight drizzle on the way there, but judging from the smiles on their faces, nothing could possibly dampen their moods !
We arrived pretty early for the 2.15pm tour and the boys started snacking !

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kids Science Fest August 2010

And that marks the end of our Learning Journey to the Kids Science Fest.
The shows and activities were educational, enriching and entertaining, thanks to the dedicated team of young people from the Agency for Science, Technology and Rearch.
We look forward to the Singapore Science Festival again in 2011.

3D Picture Gallery

The 3D Picture Gallery is a display panel with red/green photos of various landscapes and objects.
The children were given 3D glasses to view the photos in 3D.
There were also other types of 3D pictures such as stereograms and autostereograms.
Its not only  about looking cool, you know..

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I can play the Piano

This is similar to the optical theremin in the sound exhibition.
A series of tubes are placed vertically, each with an optical sensor and speaker within. Each tube is set to play only one note, at a given frequency and amplitude.
By covering the tubes in sequence, tunes can be played !

I did it !

Linus writing his name proudly on his puzzle after completing the task.

Mathematically, it has been proven that the minimum number of  colours required is four.
Both children had to figure out how to fill up the puzzle map using four colours which they have each selected.

A colourful puzzle

Both Benjamin and Linus listening attentively on how to complete this puzzle.

The objective of this puzzle is to find out what is the  fewest number of colours required to colour a simple line map, so that no two adjacent areas have the same colour.
The children were studying the map carefully before they get started.

Mummy, they have shrunk the plastics !

After both Benjamin and Linus have drawn their designs on plastics, they were put into a toaster oven to heat.

As the polystyrene sheets are heated, they will shrink, resulting in a miniature version of the design they have drawn. These designs were strung for the boys to bring home for remembrance.

Shrinking Plastic by Benjamin

This is Benjamin's design.

Both children were asked to create their own designs on a piece of plastic with coloured pens.

Benjamin created a simple design with stars, a man jumping over a moon over a deep blue sea.
Let's see how this will look like after shrinking.


Benjamin and Linus were taught to cut out different shapes from cardboards and how to throw a boomerang so that it will come back to you.

Different shapes of boomerang were available for the children to try out.
And they did come back !

The Magnetic Theatre

The Magnetic Theatre teaches children about materials with magnetic and non-magnetic properties.
Using the metal control stick, Benjamin and Linus were working together to move the puppets around the stage.

Non-magnetic puppets were also added to demonstrate their properties.

The Sonobe Modules

Benjamin and Linus learning how to fold Sonobe modules from origami paper.
These modules can be put together into various polyhedra and other shapes.
In doing this, the children are learning about mathematical shapes and symmetry.

Only origami paper is required to do this, the rest is up to your imagination !

Time to show off ?

After all that hard work, who can help showing off their creations ?

The formula ? Here it goes:
1. White glue, food colouring & sodium tetraborate
2. Wooden stirrers and small paper cups
3. Disposable gloves
4. Ziplock bag

Science is amazing

It is such a pleasure to watch the children's faces turning from puzzling to believing !
Everyone started with disbelieving looks on their faces but when the balls started to take shape, they have such happy and satisfied looks on their faces...

Benjamin can't help smiling while playing with his creation.

Our favourite station !

As this is everyone's favourite station, we started the day here again.
This time, both Benjamin and Linus wanted to make really big bouncy balls and the results were really big bouncy balls !

To make the bouncy balls, glue, food colouring and sodium tetraborate were mixed and rolled into a ball.

The Kids Science Fest Part II

The Kids Science Fest was so successful that we decided to do another learning journey on Friday.
This time, joining us are Benjamin and Linus.
As usual, the trip started with lunch at Mcdonald's.
Benjamin had a cheese burger and Linus had nuggets!

Friday, August 20, 2010

All good things come to an end

We have come to the end of ClubNAKO's Learning Journey to the Kids Science Fest.
Looking at the smiles on the boys'  faces, I know that they have all enjoyed themselves.
We have fulfilled our mission of bringing laughter into kids' lives and putting smiles on their faces!

It was a great trip indeed !

The Catholic High Boys

The three boys from Catholic High have done their school proud today.
They were well behaved during each and every one of the activities they went through, listened and carried out the various tasks as instructed. They had also patiently filled up the survey form at the end of every activity and thanked the instructors too ! Way to go, Catholic High !

The Bernoulli Blower

Linus, Alden and Dominic playing with the Bernoulli Blower.

By placing a beach ball in the air stream of an air blower, the children can get the ball to float.
This must be the best activity today judging from the smiles on the children's faces.

Simply priceless..

The Magnetic Theatre

Linus, Alden and Dominic playing with the magnetic puppets with a metal control stick.

Here, the children can learn  the properties of magnetic and non-magnetic materials.

By working together, they can use their magnetic puppets to push the non-magnetic props around !

Dominion and his Sonobe Module

Dominion posing with his Sonobe Module with a rare smile.
He is pretty camera shy and this smile is very rare indeed !

The Sonobe Modules can be put together into various polyhedra and other shapes.
By folding these cubes, Dominion can learn about mathematical  shapes and symmetry.

Straw Musical Instruments

Dominic, Linus and Dominion trying their hand on creating musical instruments using straws.
With a tapered end, the straw produced a sound like a horn.
With different lengths, the straws produces different musical notes.

It was a good lesson in physics.

Quiz time with Dominion

Next is Dominion's turn.
He was also able to answer his question and won a prize!
He was quite shy at first but eventually held his own.
Great work, Dominion !
The boys were tested on their scientific knowledge of topics such as space, chemistry, genes, illusions, puzzles and more! 

Quiz time with Alden

Next is Quiz time !

As it was a quiet Thursday afternoon, everyone had a chance to try the science quiz.
Alden answered his question correctly and won a prize !

I am so proud of him..
Way to go, Alden !


Here is Linus !

Linus is a very impatient boy.
He is by no means a team player and moves way ahead by himself.

After finding the aeroplane not fun at all, he moved on to making sonobe modules from square origami paper.

Paper Planes

Dominic, Marcus, Dominion and Alden being taught on how to  fold a paper plane and the factors that affect its flight. By adding paper clips and cutting flaps in the wings, the flying characteristics of the plane can be changed.
Where is Linus ?
He has already gone to play with his paper plane.
Leave the physics to the big brother !

Boomerangs - Physics

Everyone cut out boomerangs of different shapes from cardboards.
They were taught how to throw the boomerangs so that they will come back.

Dominic and Marcus had a great time throwing their boomerangs.
However, very few came back due to the strong wind !

Dominion and Dominic

Dominion and Dominic are brothers.
I had a tough time telling them apart in the beginning..
After spending a day with them, I came to realise that Dominic is a very well mannered, out spoken and civic minded boy.
He was annoyed with people in Mcdonald's not clearing their trays and helped to clear the table after our meal!

Everybody did it !

After all those hardwork, finally, everyone actually came up with their own balls that really bounce !
Everyone put them very carefully into plastic bags to bring home.

I hope no one's balls get squashed but if they do, just mould them into a ball again and they are as good as new !

Dominion - What is happening here ?

Dominion trying to figure out what's going on with his ball..
Dominion and Marcus are classmates.
They have been looking forward to going to the Kids Science Fest together.
They were playing with each other most of the time, whereas his brother Dominic seemed to have taken an afinity to Linus, as can be seen in the pictures.

Alden smiling from ear to ear

Alden was having the whale of a time making his green bouncy ball.
He was very amused when the green stuff looked nothing like a ball  to him !
They were all teasing each other that no one is going to get a ball out, let's see..

Bouncy Balls from Glue

Now, finally, its time for some action !

The boys started with the Bouncy Balls station which they were taught how to make a bouncy ball from a mixture of white glue, food colouring and sodium tetraborate.
Everyone chose their favourite colour and worked on their own balls very seriously..
I wonder if they were this serious in school..

The cell is a very busy place

The Science show entitled "The cell is a very busy place" is hosted by two presenters Renae and Carly  from Scitech in Perth, Western Australia, to find out what happens inside  the trillions of cells that make up your body !
Through a lively mix of explanations, interaction and demonstrations, the children start to discover that the cell is a very busy place !

Kids Science Fest!

The Kids Science Fest is a series of fun and exciting multi-disciplinary activities brought to you by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research. It is part of the Singapore Science Festival held annually and aims to inspire the young ones to find out more about the wonders of Science.
This year's theme is "Know Why".

Alden and Linus

Alden and Linus have been best friends since the unbelievable age of 18 months !
They have spent more time together than with anyone else.
They see each other everyday but never run out of topics...

Hopefully, they will not grow apart once they go to primary school next year.

Kids Science Fest !

Our Learning Journey to the Kids Science Fest started with a trip to Mcdonald's for lunch.
Today, we have Alden, Dominion, Dominic, Marcus and Linus with us.
They have been very excited about this trip to the Kids Science Fest !

But first, lunch is also very important...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Look ! This is the "Real" Art Museum

Sometimes, you need your children to remind you that they have grown up.
Bored with The Art Garden at SAM at 8Q, we decided to visit SAM's galleries instead.
The boys were fascinated by the art exhibits and announced that this is the "Real" Art Museum.
The other one is only for babies !

We promised to come back here again as we did not have time to see all the galleries.
This is the first time they visit an art museum and given their reaction, I think they will like it.
They are ready for The Lourve...

The Enchanted Forest

The Enchanted Forest is beautifully decorated with trees and animals.
It is pretty fascinating to move around in for younger children.
The boys got bored after a while and even Linus said, "This is for babies !"
We moved on to the Chocolate Monsters and the Moving Image Gallery, after which we concluded that The Art Garden is really for 2 to 4 year olds.

Floribots at The Art Garden

Watch hundreds of flowers grow from buds and bloom right before your eyes.
These are robotic flowers which show the  life cycle of a plant.
Brightly decked out in pink and yellow, they are quite fascinating to watch.
The boys were captivated by the moving development of the flowers.

ClubNAKO's Friday Kids' Night Out

ClubNAKO started a Friday Kids' Nite Out with a trip to The Art Garden.
Having worked hard for the whole week, Friday night is perfect for the children to relax and have a little fun and excitement as a prelude to the busy weekend.
It gives parents an opportunity to spend a romantic night out too...

Trip to The Art Garden at SAM

Finally, we are making the trip to The Art Garden at SAM.
The boys have been looking forward to this the whole week as it promises plants life cycle through Floribots, chocolate monsters and an enchanted forest.
We have been postponing the trip as it has been raining in the evenings.

This is the first time we are going to take the MRT down town.
It takes us right to the doorstep of SAM, alighting at Bras Basah station.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Relaxing in the Play Room

Its now time to relax in the play room.
Marcus and Calista were discussing what they shall play.
Linus was setting up the game topple for everyone.
He is definitely not a member of NATO.

Augustine is exploring to see if the figurine fits. A budding engineer indeed...

Homework Time

This is the last week of the school holidays.
Calista finally found her holiday homework.
She did it with some help and was able to complete it in time.

Both Marcus and Linus did their MPM.
Peer pressure did its magic and there was no need to push them at all.
They did a good 2 hours of work, not bad for kids their age.

Squeeze !

I am so proud of these kids.

Even though it is time to head home for homework, nobody whined about it.
Instead, every opportunity is made used of to have fun.

This is the true spirit of ClubNAKO.
We play hard and work hard too!

Marcus the leader

Never mind whether it is pretending  to be a cat or jumping like a frog.
Just follow the leader.

Marcus has been selected to be a student leader this year.
He will become a prefect next year.
He was selected based on his leadership qualities
The true leader has unconditional followers.

Magic Show by Nanyang Girls' high School

Kids these days are just too well travelled.
Most of the magic tricks performed by the Nanyang girls dulled in comparison to the magic tricks these kids had seen and bought from The Magic Shop in Disneyland Tokyo.

Still, everyone enjoyed themselves by discussing how these magic tricks are  done.
Hope they were not too loud...

Lunch at Mcdonald's

As a special treat, we went to Mcdonald's for lunch today, including Linus.
Marcus and Calista had a Fillet burger each while Linus and Augustine had nuggets.
They ate very quickly as they were eager to go to the Magic Show at Toa Payoh Library.
All of them had been looking  forward to this the whole week, especially Linus.

Who is the winner ?

Confident that she will win,
Calista added up the scores for herself and Augustine.
She scored 30 points and Augustine scored 18 points in total.
Not bad indeed for a 4 year old boy against a 7 year old girl.

Way to go, Augustine !

Spell the name of the animals

The second game was a notch up in difficulty.
Both children were asked to spell the names of the animals.
Augustine spelled pig and dog correctly and scored 2 points.
Eager to win, Calista memorised all the spellings and scored 7 points.
She also helped Augustine to write down the animals' names as he cannot write yet.

Animal Card Games

Yes, breakfast was predictably ham sandwich for calista and egg sandwich for Augustine.
After the little stomachs were filled, we decided to play animal card games.
The first game was to guess the animals from the sounds they make.
Both kids had no problem with it.
Calista helped to keep the scores too.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Augustine's ritual

Augustine feels sleepy around noon daily.
When he first came, he insisted on the aircon.
He said that his daddy always switches the aircon on at home. 
Now, he falls asleep easily right after lunch.
Sometimes, he tells me "This is too windy for me".

This breezy sofa is his favourite place to snooze.

Lunch Time

Lunch was dry fishball meepok.
Calista announced she does not eat "this kind of noodles".
She sulked while Marcus and Augustine slurped up the noodles.
Tempted, she took one bite and the rest was history.
She maintained that the meepok was "only a bit nice".

A conversation with Augustine

Augustine was smiling sweetly in the car while listening to the song "Let it be".
He tried to sing along too.
He was able to follow some of the lyrics.
Augustine does not like to go to Little Raindrops. He felt that place is for babies.
He told me he is planning to go back to Kinderland.
I hope his mummy has the same plans.

Augustine's Day

Today is Augustine's day as both Marcus and Calista were out.
He is such a sweet boy today as  he did not need to vie with anyone for attention.
He was very excited to build something on his own.
He built a small plane all by himself.
With assistance, he built a long snake to scare the other children when they come back.

Calista's Passion

Calista loves going to  gymnastic practices.
She does it  four times a week.
She loves to show off what she can do at home.
This can only be driven by passion.
We have the making of a gymnast to represent Singapore in the Olympics !

Dream big...

Today's breakfast and our seatbelt policy

Today's breakfast was ham sandwiches for Calista and egg sandwiches for Augustine.
Glad to see Calista finishing her entire sandwich today. 2 slices of bread with 4 slices of ham ! Didn't have to worry about Augustine as usual. Only plain water is allowed today. Orders from mummy.

Our seatbelt policy is as follows:
The car does not move until everyone is belted in ! Initially, Augustine needed help to fasten his seatbelt. After a few times, he was able to do it all by himself. Everyone had to report  seatbelt status before the car moves off.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Making sushi

We decided to make sushi for lunch.
Making vinegar rice was easy.
Getting them to stick together was not.

Calista improvised with seaweed wrappers.
Marcus just ate it mixed with tobiko.
Augustine ate it happily with tamago.

Better leave sushi making to the Japanese.

At the laundry

Children are fascinated by the slightest things.
They have never seen so many washing machines.

Watching the clothes go round and round,
they were completely fascinated.

Maybe they will help mummy wash clothes from now on.

Fetching Marcus

Soon, it was time to fetch Marcus from school.
Armed with scooters, Calista and Augustine were hoping to see Marcus dance.

However, we were reached there just in time to see Marcus leaving with his friends.

He didn't even see us.
Calista and Augustine stood staring as he walked away.

Augustine cleaning up the mess

Augustine was asked to clean up the mess after building the animal farms.
He was reluctant at first and kicked the extra boxes around.
In contrary, Calista was very  helpful and help put all the rest of the animals back in the boxes.
She was then rewarded with a music video of Marcus' dance at Vivo city as requested.
When Augustine realized good behaviour comes with a reward, he started to put the fences back very nicely into the boxes as well.

Building Animal Farms

Today's highlight after breakfast is building animal farms.
Augustine was very excited and started to build his farm with a girrafe, zebra and two dinosaurs.
Never mind dinos do not belong to farms.

Calista was not interested at first as she thought it was childish.
However, when she saw Augustine's animal farm taking shape, she asked for a box too.
Calista was very creative building the farm.
She had a turtle on rocks, a girrafe, a zebra, two snakes and even monkeys hanging on trees.

Both children had a great time building their farms and showing it off to each other.
They get to bring their farms home tonight.

What's new for breakfast today ?

Augustine had his favourite strawberry yogurt on top of the usual eggs and milo today.
The yogurt was gone in no time.
Calista said she has no appetitte today.
She only had 4 slices of ham today.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A game of Gentlemen Chess

What's better than a game of gentlemen chess to end the day ?
The boys challenging over a game of chess while Calista looks on.
While Marcus is very often the winner, Linus is the perfect gentlemen who loses with grace.


The boys were very gentle when trying to wake Calista up when we reached home.
So gentle that she did not move a muscle.
At this rate, even an ant would not wake up.
I will not tell you what they finally did to wake her up.
Teabreak was a combination of ham, peanut butter and nutella sandwiches.
With apple juice, but no ice cream. too bad...


We decided to let Calista sleep in the car for a longer time.
So, we went to fetch Linus from Cambridge.

Linus has been going to Cambridge since we has 16 months' old.
This November, he will be graduating and going on to Catholic High.

I am very proud of my little Linus.
He is the pride of Cambridge too.
He often asks me not to treat him like a baby.

Race to Space

Marcus and Calista were very excited about this all day.
Around 2.30pm, we made a race to Marine Parade Library for the children to "Race to Space".
Poor Augustine wanted to come but he is too young for this.
Anyway, he didn't miss much.

The journey was more enjoyable than the activity.
Marcus and Calista chased birds along the way and posed happily for pictures.
This is something rare for Calista, she rarely poses for pictures.
Someone once said it is the journey that matters, not the end, how true it turned out to be...

Calista fell asleep in the car on the way back home.
I guess she was really tired.
She had a smile on her face.
Marcus kept very quiet.

Who says the Catholic High boy is not a gentlemen ?

Safra Toa Payoh

Safra Toa Payoh was a disppointment for Marcus.
Calista and Augustine enjoy themselves though.
I guess Marcus at nine years old no longer enjoys mazes anymore.

I had to cheer him up with a new Geranimo Stilton book !

A day out at Safra Toa Payoh

Today, we spent a day out at Safra Toa Payoh.
The two kids decided to meditate before breakfast.
I think they were too excited to eat anything.
Augustine ate, of course !

Who says fishballs are not for breakfast ?
Augustine wonders what Marcus and Calista are thinking...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lunch Time

Lunch is a nutritious wholesome chicken soup with carrots and celery.
Mushroom is not popular as Linus is not here.
All love the noodles and chicken.
Carrot is also not a favourite.
Neither is mushroom.
Everyone loves fishballs though..

Everyone had second servings.

A game of wit

All 3 kids playing Aeroplane Chess.
Both Marcus and Calista were very patient with Augustine.
It was almost 11.30am but no one was hungry.
I was wondering why ?

Where only fun matters, really..

I wonder who won ?

Outdoor Play

With MPM out of the way, its time for outdoor play !

Marcus and Calista grabbed the scooters.
Augustine got hold of the football.
World cup fever got to him ?

Everyone was very excited to play outside.

Both Marcus and Calista flew like the wind on wheels.
Poor Augustine had to chase after them.
They went round and round the swimming pool.

I thought Augustine will never give up.
He got angry finally and took a rest by the pool.

Everyone had a whale of a time at the playground.
All 3 kids were going down the slide stuck together.
Their laughter were highly infectious

... where only fun matters

About MPM

MPM is attended by Marcus, Calista and Linus.
It has become a bi-weekly ritual with the 3 kids.
They love going there together.
Teacher Paulina is not too happy about it.
Three makes a crowd.
There is currently a competition going on.
Whoever finishes first wins !

It all started with Calista who went to MPM at Toa Payoh.
Linus decided to attend MPM at Thomson.
Calista joined him a few months later.
Lastly, Marcus joined MPM too !
I wonder when Augustine is coming to MPM ?

Linus is not here today but he will join us on Friday.
We are going to a Magic show on Friday.
Linus will not miss it for the world.

After MPM. of course !

Programme for the week

The following programme is planned by Marcus and Calista:

Tuesday 22 June 3-4pm
Race to Space
For 7 to 12 years old
At Marine Parade National Library

Wednesday 23 June 3-4.30pm
Snake Discovery
For 4 to 10 years old
At Yishun National Library

Thursday 24 June 3-4pm
The Amazing Animals
For 6 to 10 years old
At Sembawang National Library

Friday 25th 1.30-2.30pm
Magic Show
For 6 to 12 years old
At Toa Payoh National Library

Who says kids cannot plan ?
The libraries are rather far away,

This is ClubNAKO...where only fun matters

Breakfast Findings

Marcus had nutella bread, his favourite of course.
He was not the slightest tempted by sausages.
He had Milo too.

Calista had plain bread.
It turned out she only eats Skippy Peanut Butter.
Peter Pan is not acceptable.
She also wanted apple juice.
Must remember to get some for tommorow.

Augustine had 2 egg sandwiches.
The biggest eater of the lot.
He also had Milo.
No wonder they call him feh tut tut..

Augustine also revealed that their mother does not like them to drink Milo.
He said they can only drink plain water.
Must remember to ask her why..

Sunday, June 20, 2010

What is Club NAKO ?

Club NAKO is a No Adults Kids Only Club.
... where only fun matters.
Quite simply, when kids come here, the only thing that matters is fun !

Open from 7am to 7pm
Monday to Friday.

Interested, please call Niki at 91726448.
Any questions, you can email clubnako@yahoo.com.sg