Our Mission

Our mission is to bring laughter into kids' lives and put smiles on their faces.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Freedom !

Yes, we have come to the end of our Math session today. Leo, Marcus and Linus were having a whale of a time playing in the pool. The smiles on the children's faces were simply priceless ! At ClubNAKO, we work hard and play hard too.. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and we will not have that, ... where only fun matters.

Its Children's Day !

Yes, today is children's day.
We have decided to give the children a special treat today.
Yes, we are going swimming in the pool, armed with water shooting claws !
Both Leo and Linus have redeemed shooting claws which they were looking forward to playing in the pool.
The children truly deserve a good break. For now, yes, ...where only fun matters.

Math - Mass

After teabreak, Leo joined Marcus to do the worksheets for Mass.
Mass is not a difficult topic as long as they get their kilograms and grams conversion done correctly. The rest of the story sums are all repeated from the More Than and Less Than Comparison Models that they have already learnt. From now on, it is only a matter of practise, practise, practise !


Leo was having a bowl of fishball noodle while Marcus was having his favourite chwee kueh.
Linus ditched his favourite chee cheong fun and had some noodles from Leo's bowl instead. The noodles were so delicious that in the end, all of them were fighting over it. This is simply the law of supply and demand. I am sure nobody will want them if we had bought 3 bowls of noodles !

Teabreak Time !

After an intensive morning of Math, the boys were given a break and had a game of snooker to relax their minds ! This is really important so that they do not get stressed out with too much work. The boys know by now that if they work hard, they will get time to play too ! Hence, they wasted no time mucking around during lesson time and focused on their worksheets. Great, isn't it ?

Math - Division and Mass

Today, we have Leo, Marcus and Linus with us doing Math.
Leo was concentrating more on Division, getting his quotients and remainders right.
Next year, the P4 children will learn the divisor as well, hence it is really important to get the basics right. Leo was also able to understand the concept of division and remainders from story sums and apply it correctly. Way to go, Leo !

Good bye and see you again !

And that marks the end of our session on Our Body Systems today. The boys are now able to rattle off the parts of our digestive system easily by looking at their own body. The digestive system starts from the mouth,  teeth, tongue, gullet,  stomach, small intestines, big intestines, rectum and anus ! Easy Peasy ! And no, you did not come out from your mummy's anus. We'll do the Productive System another time, ok ?

What is a ball and socket joint ?

Some of our bones are joined together with ball and socket joints so that we can rotate our arms and swing our legs. The boys were putting together a skeletal system using only ball and socket joints. They were able to feel and see how these type of joints can help us rotate our arms. Having done this, they will never forget what is a ball and socket joint. Great way to learn science !

Seeing is believing !

Yes, seeing is indeed believing.
With teaching aids, the boys were able to use their sense of sight and touch to appreciate our body systems as it unfolds layer by layer in front of their  eyes. It is pretty obvious now how the skeletal system protects the organs, how food passes from one part of the digestive system to another, what the circulatory system does, how the lungs really look like in 3-dimentional form and no, those were not boobs..

Can each system only perform one function ?

No ! This is not true ! The Skeletal System can perform 3 functions.

It supports the body and gives it shape.
It helps protect the organs.
It works together with the Muscular System to help the body move.
See ? Three functions, the answer is False !
Way to go, Leo !

Let's discuss !

After the lesson on Our Body Systems, the boys sat together to answer the questions in their worksheets designed to test their process skills. Yes, the windpipe leads to the lungs and the gullet leads to the stomach. This is why we sometimes chok on our food when it gets stuck in the windpipe. We have to get it out so that it does not block the air going into our lungs. How do we get it out ? Turn ourselves upside down ?

Leo and Marcus

Joining us today are Leo and Marcus.
After a quick shower to freshen up, both boys sat down to a delicious meal of oven roasted chicken wings on rice. The boys were really hungry as they spent most of their morning enjoying the children's day celebration in school. Food was not on top of their priority then. Leo was so hungry that he asked for second servings !

Our Body Systems

Today, we are looking at our body systems.
Our body consists of 5 main systems.
They are the Circulatory System, the Respiratory System, the Skeletal System, the Muscular System and the Digestive System. Each system is made up of several parts and serves specific purposes. Our body systems help us to grow, move around and repair the damaged parts of our body.